Wednesday, 15 October 2008

More of my work

Well i hope everyone's having a good time. I'm busy as always at work and at home. I thought i should show you some thing I have been working on for ages.
Yep these are bookmarks, handmade and drawn, due to the fact i'm still learning to draw on the computer. Backed on to plain coloured card & Laminated. They are draw at the size of the bookmark so rather weeny detail. I had asked for a pro company to do the work, but things got legal, and then they lost the original work. For a year i heard nothing till chance came that they were returned to me. (Hugs paper work). So I'm never letting go of the originals again.
Anyway what do people think? Made with :
  • Tria Markers
  • Bristol Board
  • Indian Ink
  • Gold, Silver & Bronze gel pens
Any feed back or questions are appreciated.
Take care everyone and happy drawing/crafting

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your bookmarks look fantastic, we all love to read in our house and its something i've never thought to make..

I always look out for unusual ones in the book shops.

You have imspired me to make some for the troops in here Thanks :-)

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