Sunday, 23 August 2009

live streaming today

Hi everyone i'm doing work based work on live stream to day to if you like art please feel free to pop over and watch the chats free so you can comment if you like.

Take care and happy craftying to all

Monday, 10 August 2009

Busy busy me

Hi everyone,

I'm a little snowed under right now with work and other things, so not much news on the craft front. Bilbos not been very well so i have to take her down the vets tonight, Gingers ready to go to the cats' Pro people he's got a meow and has learn some manners, So it's time for him to find a loving home of his own.

Here's a photo
of the card a made on my little vidio,
It's designed more for the 5's age range
with cute touchy and glitery bits.
Oh and it looks like Bilbos had a bad tum due to big furballs she on med's. I forgot how much vets charge to do things:
Injection = £14.75
Same drug (double amount vet injected) for me to suringe in to her mouth twice a day £5.50.
Huuummm i think i'm in the wrong job.
Any way till next time.....

Take care everyone and happy crafting.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Little vid first crafty one

Hi everyone,

As you can see i've done a little rather poor quality vidio. The products used are:

  1. Sizzix Bear Die and Butterfly die.
  2. Double sided tape
  3. Glitter glue
  4. Sharpies marker
  5. My poor brain.

I hope this little vid will inspire others to try experimenting .

I'm more used to live streaming from my machine and for the vid with the cam had to work side ways and backwards. Any feed backs more than welcome.

I hold no copyright to the music of kit.

Take care and happy crafting

Saturday, 1 August 2009

More Cards

Hi Everyone, I hope all's well.
These are some of the over cards i made with sarah last Satarday I hope you like them.
I still have to do a bit to some of them so i will upload some more later.
Sarah very kindly gave me the little raindeer stamp when she got two of them and i must say it's rather cute.
As you can see i have even gone and got some paterned paper I have never been to sure of it but now i feel more confidnet with it.
I have used my cuttle bug for both cards, it gives a nice clean touch to the card and makes it that much more special.
I am testing a live system right now, But i will put a post about it a bit later.
Dawn bibby status here i come!
Till later take care and happy crafting

Can people send hugs to Sarah Please

Hi everyone,

Um i hope she does not mind (Hi sarah) But can people send some hug to my friend sarah at fluffs creations, She's not been feeling very well and i think some friendly hugs from her fans would really help

She's at

Hope everyone else is all all righ take care and happy crafting
Crafty Blogs