Saturday, 1 November 2008

I love hallowen but not this year someone put a hammer through my beadroom window, The only reason they did not get in to burgle and do god knows what to me was because i did a very realistic impression of a guard dog room the hall way. So we have to get a whole new unit as it's a sealed double glazzed unit,I want to cry We now not the only ones to have been hit in the close, so everyone is getting cctv up today, cause enough is enough, it is almost every 2 week something happens, pot broken, cars smashed, houses burgled.
So no updates today (i had some great ones planed) as i have insurance and god knows what do deal with.
So soryy hope you all had a better time, take care.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hiya mate, hope things are okay and that you get on okay tomorrow. There's a little something for you on my blog!
xx :0)

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