Saturday, 26 June 2010
After some hard thinking I have desided to close this blogg. My new Bloog will be under the title Silver Fox forest desgins ( I will not be doing things for another week or so to this site as I have to repaire loads of links and code. I hope you will follow me over. So take care and happy crafting.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Quick Update
Hi everyone,
Just a Quick up date to say I have now got a new Camra so you will be seeing more photos and craft work from me soon. . Im sorting out my room right now and will be selling a bit on Ebay in the next month.Till then take care and happy crafting.
Just a Quick up date to say I have now got a new Camra so you will be seeing more photos and craft work from me soon. . Im sorting out my room right now and will be selling a bit on Ebay in the next month.Till then take care and happy crafting.
Monday, 14 June 2010
A trip through the new forest
Hi Everyone,
Yep late post, On sunday I went to a mini rally (dad's hobby) and to get to there we had to go throught the new forest. Now the forest has a national park status and is a place of true wonder, With ancient woodlands and rolling heather.
There were cows and horse all over the place and loads of foals. We though we saw an injured one so stopped and with some other people checked it out. It turned out to be ok just sleeping in a ditch. It's dam was near and seemed ok with us getting up close to it. SO CUTE.
Theres only one thing that ruins it. DUMB DRIVERS!! We were having great time when a shape appreared in the road. It was a baby donkey It had been hit and left in the road. A load of people came behind us and started checking it.... I think it was to late though. You really have to keep eyes open as what appears as shadows can turn out to be cows chewing the cud half way in the road. Apart from that it was a good day. Anyway take care and all the best. Happy crafting.
Thankyou card
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
A little birdie told me...
A card For my mate Sarah over at Fluffs creations. It's her birthdays to day so I hope she has a great day.
- Made with Mixed papers
- Clear Flowers
- Nesties
- Hand Drawing of Willow Wolf (one of my own.)
- Gemstones
I hope she likes it. I should have used blue which is one of her fav colours, but I ran out of papers....
Any way take care everyone and happy crafting.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Perfect image
Hi everyone. I hope your well,
I'm not great right now had to be tested for a stroke as I have lost my vision on two seprate occations at work and been hit with mass migrains.
I passed the test but have been advise to take meds to control them. I also need to get my eyes checked to see if my eyes are getting lazy again.
I love these decoparge kits, I recoment them . made with set and mixed papers cuttle bug folders, stickers and gems.
Take care till next time and happy crafting.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
A little update
Hi everyone
I thought I would post something to fill in the gap of January.
As many you may have read on my Jan post I did not get a good start to the year when my mum broke her wrist well. Here a little update to that.
The news on here wrist was quite funny in the end (in a morbid way) But we had to see the funny side to it.
1st paramendic on arrivel = "It's just a split break they will minipulate it and plaste and you will be fine" ( haha Bless u Andy you are rubbish lier but Thats the amazing thing about the services they do an amazing job 7 and you could not ask for any better) Andy trained me at ST J's & is an awsome chap with a wicked sence of hummor
Next The first doctors = You've broken your wrist have it in plaster and we see you in so many days
After telling them there was something wrong = Off to surgury we go in go the pins
Next = You've samshed your Radious (outch)
After all of it my mum was in load of pain still. and her shoulder was playing up
So she went to phsyo some weeks later they took another xray (cause a nice doctor asked them too.
Guess what! My mum had as good as shattered her radius and Olnar!. She now has one bone shorter than the other. She may need surgury in the future to help the wrist but she seems to be healling well and is driving again which has made her more happy. They think she's torn the mussels in her shoulder so she will need special exerises for that. So in a way good news.
I have to say that I never in a million years could have been as brave as my mum. She has been though so much and kept on fighting.
To show how deep the snow was Bilbo's a big cat she's got Norweigen blood in her and had to swim though drifts to get to us at times. When she jumped in the snow we lost slight of her at times.
So hope everyone else is very well and was safe in those snowy times. Till next time take care and happy crafting
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Scrap card 2
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